A theatre parade opens Malta Festival Poznań


As always, Malta Festival Poznań will open with a colourful street parade celebrating respect, freedom and the joy of being together. The visual/musical performance by Piotr Tetlak and Asocjacja 2006 is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jarosław Maszewski. The night will end with a concert by Hanna Banaszak.

The 33rd Malta Festival Poznań will open with the wandering show Siła patyny (The power of patina) and a concert by Hanna Banaszak. The events commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Jarosław Maszewski, a professor of the University of the Arts Poznań. Maszewski brought together communities and worked for the benefit of the city. He was the initiator of parades on the name day of St. Peter and Paul (the patron saints of Poznań). He also organised the exhibition of 112 sculptures by Magdalena Abakanowicz titled Nierozpoznani (The Unrecognised Ones) in Poznań’s Cytadela Park. His favourite environment was urban space, which he arranged to stage artistic activities.

“Jarek was a man of many talents,” recalls Michał Merczyński. “He could gather people from different circles, generations and environments around an idea, making everyone feel part of a community.”

The Siła patyny parade, created by Piotr Tetlak and Asocjacja 2006, will set out on 28 June at 9:00 p.m. from Panny Marii Street at Bolesław Chrobry Bridge. The night will end with a concert by Hanna Banaszak, which will start an hour later in the Porta Posnania amphitheatre. Admission to the events is free.

Enchanted city

The script of Siła patyny was created by Piotr Tetlak. The artistic director of the Interdisciplinary Theatre Company “Asocjacja 2006” works with a company of artists, some of whom were members of the Kółko Graniaste student group already in the 1990s. The group was led by the charismatic Jarosław Maszewski.

Professor Maszewski’s street happenings, performance art, shows and parades disrupted the staid urban structure, enlivening and enchanting Poznań. The same happens when it is taken over by Asocjacja 2006, inspired by Maszewski. The same also happens during the annual inauguration of Malta Festival Poznań. This year, we are joining forces to organise a spectacular parade that will open the festival. You will see five-meter-tall objects, a burning giraffe, Pegasi and enormous installations. The sponsor of the show is Aquanet and it is supported financially from the budget of the City of Poznań.

A city of songs

Professor Maszewski was the initiator of a spectacular celebration: the name day of St. Peter and Paul, the patron saints of Poznań. The music of Hanna Banaszak has often contributed to the unique ambience of the event, which usually coincides with Malta Festival Poznań. This time will be no different. The concert of the well-known Polish jazz and classical artist will be a prelude to the name day festivities and the Malta excitement. The singer will dedicate her performance to the memory of Professor Maszewski.