10th edition of Children at Liberty and family shows Malta Festival announces the children’s programme

The Malta programme for children is designed for children and their carers, as well as entire families. This year, we are celebrating the 10th edition of Children at Liberty, which will feature artistic workshops created by Maja Brzozowska, Zofia Małkowicz and BRZart. There will also be two outdoor family shows presented by Teatr Czerwona Walizka and Teatra Mozaika.
The tenth edition of Children at Liberty was created by Maja Brzozowska and Elżbieta Niewiadomska-Wieczorek. The artistic events fit in with the festival theme: “Geographies of Imagination.” The curators emphasise: “Children at Liberty was born out of the need to create an artistic space and draw an imaginative map that would allow us to reach the world of children’s thoughts and actions without any shortcuts.”
The programme will feature three artistic workshops, which will take place at the Malta Festival Centre in the Arkadia building at 44 Ratajczaka Street. We will also present two family shows in Chopin Park, which we are happy to return to after a year’s absence. The activities for children and their families will be held on the first weekend of July. Admission to the family shows is free. Participation in workshops requires registration by email (zapisy@malta-festival.pl).
Geographies of Imagination for Children at Liberty
During a series of artistic workshops, we will awaken our senses and flows, we will connect times and spaces into a geography of imagination.
The workshop Korzenie / Roots is an invitation to an artistic quest for the eponymous roots. Zofia and Filip Brzyscy of BRZart invite children aged 4 and over with their carers to explore the power of roots: those that anchor plants to the ground and those of humans, who are pulled out and replanted in other places.
Zofia Małkowicz’s culinary workshop titled Kuchnia, żołądek, serce, rozum, wyobraźnia! Vol. 2 / Kitchen, stomach, heart, mind, imagination! Vol. 2 will involve tasting, asking questions, listening, observing and telling others what is on their stomachs and in their hearts. We will prove that the imagination and kitchen have no limits. The event is recommended for parents and children aged 5 to 12 years.
Family shows
The outdoor performances on Sunday afternoon will both amuse the youngest festival-goers and convey an important message.
Teatr Czerwona Walizka has created a family show called Historie rodzinne / Family stories featuring elements of object theatre, circus, slapstick, improvisation and live music. It is a story about day-to-day paradoxes, shared joys and sorrows. It is a street show full of gags and unexpected twists, with no shortage of daring stunts and plenty of humour.
Graj, żuczku, graj! Hraj, żuczy, hraj! / Play beetle! Play! will present a dance game from the former Eastern Borderlands, still played in Ukraine. Teatr Mozaika will guide us across Ukrainian yards, fields and forests. We will hear traditional tunes performed on a violin, a frame drum and on Hutsul cymbals played by Ukrainian artist Oksana But. Teatr Mozaika invites children aged 3 and over to a show that was inspired by our need for peace and spreading hope, and for learning more about the culture of our neighbours.